
Radical Acceptance: The Age-Old Challenge to Accept Truth

Radical Acceptance: The Age-Old Challenge to Accept Truth

“Radical acceptance rests on letting go of the illusion of control and a willingness to notice and accept things as they are right now, without judging.” – Marsha Linehan “Despite my many ordeals, my advanced age and the nobility of my soul lead me to conclude that all is well.” Oedipus Rex Radical acceptance is…

Pluralistic Ignorance: Why We Reluctantly Accept Christmas Consumerism

Pluralistic Ignorance: Why We Reluctantly Accept Christmas Consumerism

The real tragedy of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is that he eventually gave it back. Okay, not really. But some aspects of Christmas have become pretty toxic, and here’s one reason why: Pluralistic ignorance is a circumstance of social psychology in which each member of a group privately rejects a norm, but believes everyone…

Financial Wellness: An Important Part of Good Mental Health

Financial Wellness: An Important Part of Good Mental Health

We have all heard the adage that money can’t buy happiness. Well, maybe or maybe not. While the jury is still out on that question, one thing we do know is that financial distress can wreck our wellbeing.  Therefore, improving our financial wellness can only benefit our mental health. As a mental health professional, I have seen the numerous…