(Free) CBT Triangle Worksheet with Example

Are you looking for a free printable CBT Triangle Worksheet? Here is a free PDF that you can download and print. It also includes a CBT Triangle example.

CBT Triangle Worksheet
CBT Triangle Worksheet (Free Download)
  • By a Licensed Therapist
  • Includes Example
  • PDF
  • Free

First, read more about the CBT Triangle

Before beginning the worksheet, check out the article: CBT Triangle: A Map for Understanding How to Feel Better.

Worksheet directions

This worksheet has 6 blank sections for you to complete. Let’s go over each section.

1. Identify a difficult situation

Start with an event or situation. This can be something that is currently affecting you or something that has occurred in the recent past. Enter this into Box 1.

Example: An upcoming presentation for school/work.

2. Identify a thought related to this situation

What were/are you thinking about this situation? Enter this into Box 2.

Example: My presentation is going to be a disaster.

3. Identify a behavior related to this situation

What were/are you doing in anticipation of this situation? Enter this into Box 3.

Example: Avoidance of preparation.

4. Identify an emotion related to this situation

How did/does this situation make you feel? Enter this into Box 4.

Example: Anxious.

5. How are my thoughts and behaviors influencing the way I am feeling about this situation?

Now think about the thoughts and behaviors you entered above. How were/are these thoughts and behaviors influencing your feelings about this situation? Enter this into Box 5.

Example: My thoughts and behaviors about this situation are contributing to my anxiety by both catastrophizing it and then avoiding preparation for it.

6. What are some alternative ways to think and behave in this situation?

What is an alternative way you can behave and/or think to give yourself a better outcome for your feeling? Enter this into Box 6.

Example: If I practice and prepare for my presentation, it will probably be good enough.

In conclusion

This printable worksheet is designed to help you to gain insight into the process by which your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions influence each other. While it may take a little bit of practice to hone in on specific thoughts and behaviors influencing your mood, this is a powerful exercise that will ultimately help you to gain more influence over your emotional states.

Once you can articulate specific thoughts and behaviors that negatively influence your emotions, you will be better equipped to identify alternative thoughts and behaviors that will naturally relieve emotional anguish.

CBT Triangle Worksheet
CBT Triangle Worksheet (Free Download)
  • By a Licensed Therapist
  • Includes Example
  • PDF
  • Free